Emily is our Chairperson, Jay is the Vice Chairperson and Emma is the Secretary.
Date: January 2023
Miss Kemps
Eco-School Councillors:
- Welcome
- Sub-division teams introduced - Biodiversity, Healthy Eating, Energy and Litter/Waste. Photograph taken.
- Adopt a Spot litter scheme - create a litter pick timetable.
- Committee to remind healthy breaks
The Eco-council try to meet up twice a term to discuss ideas and any eco issues we may have.
Our Eco-Code
Created and designed by Ruby.
Sustran’s Silver Active Travel Award
Our Eco-Committee and Miss Alexander have been working hard to promote Active Travel in school.
Our hard work and dedication to Active Travel has been recognised by Sustrans in February 2018 when we achieved the Silver Active Travel award.
Eco-Schools at Leaney Primary School
Eco-Schools is an international programme aimed at raising students awareness of sustainable development issues.
Children are encouraged to take an active role in how their school can be run for the benefit of the environment.
Leaney Primary School have achieved four Green Flag awards. The most recent flag was awarded in June 2023
Since then the pupils and staff of Leaney PS have continued to work on environmental awareness through classroom teaching and whole school participation in a number of ways.
We do this through:
- Recycling: batteries, paper (blue bins and scrap paper drawers in all classrooms), stamps, ink cartridges and clothes ('Cash for Clobber')
- Active Travel - 'Safe Routes to School' map and 'Ditch the Dark Day'
- Community links: Collecting towels and blankets for BARK and School food collection for Ballmoney Foodbank.
- Biodiversity: Pond, bird boxes, bug hotel
- Saving energy: solar panels and energy monitoring
- School Grounds: Litter picking rota for Key Stage 2 classes, planters in the courtyard for every class
Planting Daffodils
Every child planted a daffodil bulb. We can’t wait until the spring time to see the results!
Log Pile Building
Year 5/6 helped the Eco Council create more habitats for minibeasts by building log piles in the school forest.
We are 'Litter Smart!'
Each class in school takes part in a litter pick twice a term. We're delighted to have received the 'Litter Smart' award for our hard work and efforts!
Pat from Northern Ireland water visited the children in Key Stage Two and taught them all about saving water. He brought a reusable water bottle for each child. Thank-you!
Have a look and see what we have been up to in our Eco-Garden.